• Cultural Grants
  • Arts and Literature
  • Thought leadership


Applications Are Open From the 25th of February till the 30th of April - Click to Apply

Culture is a pattern of living and thinking, it is the essence of a vibrant society. Despite achieving many goals in the cultural and intellectual scene in Jordan and Palestine, there are still many priorities that have not been achieved due to the slow pace of support for this sector. Therefore, our Foundation has taken on the responsibility of supporting the cultural, creative, and intellectual sectors in Jordan and Palestine through the Cultural Grants Program.

     Our Foundation aims towards a society of culture and creativity, and thus through the Cultural Grants Program, we strive to support entities and individuals in the cultural, creative, and intellectual industries in Jordan and Palestine to implement their projects and achieve their goals. Since 2014, we are proud to have supported more than 248 distinguished individuals and institutions with a value of nearly 8 million Jordanian dinars to implement their projects. Over 660,000 people in Jordan, Palestine, and the Arab world have benefited from these cultural projects.

      Aligned with the strategic objectives of our Foundation and its continuous efforts to support artists, intellectuals, creatives, and activists in the cultural and intellectual sectors, the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation proudly announces the opening of the application process for cultural grants for the year 2025 in Jordan and Palestine.

You can read the detailed guide for the 2025 cultural grant program by clicking here

The Sealing of Cultural Grants

The Foundation provides support for cultural projects up to a maximum of 30,000 Jordanian dinars, to be implemented over a maximum period of 12 months.

The fields supported by the Cultural Grants Program

The cultural grant program supports individuals and organizations with cultural, creative, and intellectual projects within both the Arts and Literature grant program and the Thought Leadership grant program. The Arts and Literature grants aim to raise awareness of the value of artistic culture and creative writing, develop a culture of reading and research, enrich and disseminate Arabic literary and artistic content across various digital and print platforms, as a result, the programs’ goal is to invest in cultural talents, create literary and artistic spaces and preserve and protect the national cultural heritage. You can read more about the Arts and Literature grant domains and apply by clicking here.

The Thought Leadership Grants aim to support and develop the educational process through capacity-building programs by provision of learning resources for all, creation of educational spaces, and investing in educational and scientific applications. In addition, it supports various educational and scientific activities and sectors that meet the needs of students and develop their skills. You can read details about the domains of Thought Leadership Grants that you can apply for by clicking here.



The timeline for the Cultural Grants 

Please consider the following conditions and criteria for application submission:

  1. All project activities must be conducted in Jordan or/and Palestine the project's activities must be implemented over a maximum of 12 months.
  2. Applications must be within the AHSF grants program tracks/sectors
  3. All application requirements, forms, and documents must be completed.
  4. The Foundation does not provide support for two different projects implemented at the same time and by the same entity.
  5. The Foundation encourages projects that implement project activities in various governorates of the Kingdom.
  6. The Foundation encourages projects that integrate more than one sector of support.
  7. The Foundation encourages projects aimed at enriching digital content.
  8. The foundation encourages projects with a clear approach to sustainability and continuity.


The Application Process

The application process can be done for your cultural projects through the online system by clicking here 


Applications Are Open From the 25th of February till the 30th of April - Click to Apply


The Arts & Literature Grant aims to raise awareness of the value of artistic culture and creative writing. This program aims to support the development of a reading and research culture, as well as the enrichment and dissemination of Arabic literary and artistic content across all print and digital platforms.

As a result, the program's goal is to invest in cultural talents, create literary and artistic spaces, and support the preservation and protection of national cultural heritage.


  • Performing Arts

Performing arts are an important means of expressing people’s lives and realities, and they include: (Theatrical arts, Music, and Dance). In this sector the Foundation seeks to support projects/shows aimed at disseminating culture and arts for all that results in boosting the performing arts scene.

In this category, Grants are given to activities/performances that that fall within:  

  • Capacity building workshops in theater
  • Capacity building workshops in music
  • Capacity building workshops in expressive arts and rhythmic movement.


*AHSF does not support the production of plays or the production of Music albums.  

*All performance content must be readily available at the time of applying for the grant as the content will be checked before approval.  


  • Audio Visual

Videos, Films, Animations and Motion graphics are the modern means of knowledge sharing and are the essential tools for representations of content which can show impact and target a large audience. 


The main aim of this grant section is the empowerment of educational/ edutainment productions in the fields of: 

  • Non-traditional educational animations
  • Post-production of films covering the local scene in terms of cultural and social issues
  • Documentation of cultural scenes, activities, and cultural influences outside archaeological heritage sites. 


*AHSF does not support any projects that have any Religious or politically focused activities. 


  • Festivals and Cultural Activities

From music to portrayals of art or dance, festivals bring people together and allow them to collaborate and work together, share knowledge and skills and promote cultural diversity.  


This category allows the promotion of collaborations between artists at a local/national level and at a regional level (Arab world), eligible Projects: 

  • Cultural activities and art festivals promote collaboration among artists. 


*AHSF does not support personal exhibitions for artists, neither does it support any festivals or activities with a commercial characteristic. 


  • National Heritage

Our Cultural Heritage is our identity; it is what differentiates us from others. Therefore, the main aim of this category is to support efforts that maintain our culture, which in turn means maintaining our identity. 


The focus of the projects should be on preserving the cultural national heritage by documenting it and/or teaching it through: 

  • Documentation of cultural national heritage. 
  • Trainings and workshops involving the preservation of national culture. 
  • Storytelling/ Hakawati art. 


*National heritage documentation programs do not include research projects, publications, nor the documentation of tourist and cultural sites, and sites of archaeological heritage. It is limited to projects documenting heritage stories, customs and traditions of the regions, artistic and cultural heritage, concluding with demonstrations to the general public. 

  • Artistic and Literary Spaces

The presence of educational programs, workshops and spaces for children and youth is essential for the development of any society. One main aim is to help in making available resources that would bring benefit and value.  


Eligible projects should support the organization of workshops and projects/programs that build capacities in subjects such as: 

  • Capacity building workshops in creative writing in Arabic
  • Capacity building workshops in photography
  • Capacity building workshops in Arabic poetry
  • Capacity building workshops in wall painting (Murals)
  • Capacity building workshops that enhance social interaction and communication with others through art therapy
  • Projects and platforms that enrich Arabic content digitally.  


*Projects concerned with fine arts and translation projects are not eligible; the development of mobile applications and websites are not eligible; Arabic content provided on the platforms must be accurate, factual and referenced. 

  • Library Development Support

Libraries are the house of books, the starting point for learning, the sacred space of silence and focus, the only place where reading is the most encouraged activity. Libraries are the headquarters for every educator and student, essential for the growth of a reading research society. AHSF is well known for its library and the support it gives to libraries across Jordan and Palestine, throughout this category we will only keep our commitment to this noble cause. 


In this subcategory, the focus of the projects should be on Existing Active Libraries that provide access to a large segment of society, promote reading and seek to create programs that help build a knowledgeable community. Library support can range from:  

  • Establishing a new inventory or expanding the current inventory of audiobooks or e-books
  • Supporting the inventory of specialized books
  • Implementing activities in the library within educational and non-traditional educational fields
  • Providing various media outlets that encourage reading
  • Training workshops aimed at activating the role of the library


*Libraries applying for a grant should be active in educational and edutainment activities or at least showing potential of engaging in such initiatives, they must include free access to a large segment of society and show ability to sustain themselves and the ability to cover operational costs including (salaries, rental costs, insurance costs, and utility bills). Grants are not given to private libraries or libraries that are part of a school or a university, libraries must be public and open to all.  

Click Here to Apply

Applications Are Open From the 25th of February till the 30th of April - Click to Apply


The program aims to support and develop the educational process through capacity building programs, by provision of learning resources for all, creation of educational spaces, investment in scientific and educational applications, as well as supporting various scientific and educational activities. 


The support is primarily focused on programs that address students' needs and develop their skills. 

  • Scientific Research Conferences


AHSF recognizes that research leads to knowledge, which steers solutions and innovations especially when the results of the research are discussed in open forums instigating feedback and reviews. 

The foundation encourages applicants to submit their projects for scientific conferences that present recommendations or identify available opportunities and solutions.


Eligible applications should be in the form of facilitating scientific research conferences that include undergraduate students which discuss: 

  • Scientific research conferences that include undergraduate students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)
  • Scientific research conferences that involve undergraduate students in various uses and applications of STEAM.


*AHSF requires the participation of students in advanced conferences, and is not limited to teaching staff or postgraduate students 


  • Scientific Activities

AHSF understands the need for various methods of engagement with children to deliver the message. By creating different activities and encouraging children to learn and enjoy learning, we aim to stimulate their brains and connect science with fun.  


Applicants are encouraged to submit projects that involve children in different activities that are impactful and aimed at children (age 6-16) that can be in the form of: 

  • Scientific competitions that stimulate critical thinking and encourage scientific competition
  • Scientific exhibitions that present prototypes and/or applications
  • New scientific presentations
  • Educational training camps that teach children and youth critical and creative thinking in various scientific subjects
  • Entertaining scientific presentations that explain various scientific concepts and topics in an enjoyable and engaging way. 
  • Scientific Spaces and Educational Applications

AHSF recognizes the need to provide access to knowledge for those who can’t receive support outside of schools by providing spaces and applications that address their knowledge gaps and help them learn/engage in different extracurricular activities.


This grant category aims to support projects that:  

  • Provides spaces for disseminating knowledge, whether in-person and/or electronic
  • Offers free scientific knowledge for children 


  • Youth Forums and Debates 

AHSF believes in the value created by open discussions between children and their peers or others, in order to have a culture of engagement and stronger formal conversation especially in formal settings where they need to become comfortable in engaging in serious professional conversation about important matters.

This category is for forums and debates aimed at two age group categories: school children (11-16 years) and university students (18-45 years). The central focus is to support projects which aim to engage and discuss different scientific and innovation topics and research. Specifically,

  • Forums and debates addressing STEAM. (Science, Technology, Education, Arts, and Mathematics)
  • Forums and debates addressing topics on Innovation sciences and research.
  • Capacity building forums and debates. 

Click Here to Apply