
A Discussion at Shoman about Lighting and Color in the Film Industry

A panel discussion organized by the Cultural Forum at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation, entitled: “Schemes for Compensating Educational Loss”, discussed yesterday evening the psychological, educational and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon students, and the plans of the Ministry of Education to compensate their learning loss, with a particular focus on the efficacy of these plans. During the interview, they stated: Curriculum and teacher training expert, Dr. Iman Zaitoun, pedagogic... Read More

The Closure of the Summer Club Activities of the Shoman’s Knowledge Path Library in the Governorates

The Knowledge Path Library at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation recently concluded the activities of the summer club in the governorates. The activities implemented in 5 governorates, namely Madaba, Balqa, Karak, Zarqa and Irbid, came with the aim to enable both children and adolescents reap the benefits of a widespread knowledge stemming from the library’s vast multiplicity of activities. The summer club aims primarily to utilize the participants’ with the most salient skills of the twenty-... Read More

The Shoman Library Discusses Abdullah Al-Zyoud’s novel "Yaltahem Nafsah Bade’an Bi Qadamaih"

The Knowledge Path Library at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation recently concluded the activities of the summer club in the governorates. The Abdul Hameed Shoman Library hosted, in the Foundation’s Forum Hall, yesterday’s evening on Wednesday, as part of the Writer and Writers program, the Jordanian novelist Abdullah Al-Zayoud to discuss his novel “Yaltahem Nafsah Bade’an Bi Qadamaih.” The author, Hashem Al-Gharaibeh, facilitated the event as it was broadcasted live on Zoom and the Shoman ... Read More

A Seminar entitled "The Capital City of Amman upon the Centennial Anniversary of the Foundation of Jordan"

The Cultural Forum at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation organized, on Monday evening, a seminar entitled “The Capital City of Amman upon the Centennial Anniversary of the Foundation of Jordan”, in which the former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Muhye Aldeen Touq, alongside with the Chair of Urban Heritage at the Greater Amman Municipality. Mohamed Rafie, a researcher, novelist, and an Engineer managed to conduct the discussion. The seminar dealt with the modern e... Read More

Nomination for New Books to the Pioneers of the Shoman Library within the “Ansab Lakum” Initiative

As part of the “Ansab Lakum” initiative launched by the public library at the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation, recently, to encourage reading among members of society, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jazi selected a collection of books that were nominated for library visitors to view and read to benefit from their valuable content. To be followed in this regard, “Ansab Lakum” is an initiative to nominate books by influential public figures, whether these public figures have political, economic, intellectual... Read More
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